Friday, January 06, 2006

"In no more than 500 words, tell me about the activities and interests which you believe best represent the values and beliefs you hold strongly to.”

Having lived on our Mother Earth for near two decades, there are many things which I have come to realise and believe in. These are beliefs I hold close to till this day, and they have been a powerful source of motivation to urge me on, living my life to the fullest.

I have countless interests and activities, each representing some of my values and beliefs, which is the reason why they appeal to me in the first place. Recently, the first on my list has been my Co-curricular Activity, St John Ambulance Brigade, that I have been participating in for five years. St John is a uniformed group set up with the ultimate aim to impart first aid skills into the members, enabling them to provide service to the public. It is an entirely voluntary organisation where all of its fundings come from the donations made by the public. "For the Service of Mankind", the motto of the organisation which I strongly believe in. In my five years with St John, I have learnt to be more compassionate and caring towards people around me, to put myself in one's shoes before insisting on my own point of view, and the importance of self-discipline and mutual respect. These are values I will carry with me as I go on with my life. St John is just like my second family, where people from all walks of life come together, out of their own will, having a common aspiration to offer what we can to lend a helping hand to others. Their enthusiasm and passion for the organisation often touches me, egging me on to uphold the motto, putting others before myself.

Despite my heavy involvement in St John, I still take time to enjoy other activities. One of which is what all of us do, for about a third of our lifetime - sleeping. To me, sleeping has a dissimilar meaning, other than the usual practice of ours every night. Having time to sleep is always a little form of happiness for me. Whenever I feel distressed, I will choose to sleep. It not only helps to energise myself, it feels like I can sleep my troubles away, waking up to a new start. It is a good way to calm the mind down, allowing it to rest peacefully. In any case, I will love to have time to sleep!

Besides, another activity I take pleasure in is shopping! Since young, I had loved to go on shopping trips with my family. Such trips allow us to take time to spend with one another, at the same time fulfilling our crave to buy gifts for ourselves. Until recently, our shopping spree led from our homeland to our neighbour, Malaysia. Whenever we have the time, our family and relatives will cross the causeway to Johor Bahru to have a whole day just for shopping. The invaluable time we get to spend together makes me realise how precious and important it is to have a close bond within the family. As days get busier, such time is priceless and hence I do cherish and use them wisely.

Although time is passing us in a speed none can catch up with, I still believe that rushing through work is futile. "Slow and steady wins the race", that has been a constant reminder for myself ever since I was in Secondary School. Even the slow tortoise can win the speedy hare, what else cannot be achieved through unrelenting and conscientious effort? Instead of rushing through daily life, why not take time to slow things down, and to take each earnestly, making the most out of each day.

I have learnt to take each day, one at a time. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone. Do not be troubled about the future for it has yet to come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.


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