Saturday, February 25, 2006

Etiquette guardians on prowl in libraries....

"Library" used to be a word which brings along peace and serenity to me. A place where knowledge, facts and stories permeate and unravel for those who find out. However, the libraries in Singapore now are loaded with inconsiderate people who speak at the top of their voices, with total disregard for those who are respecting the library as a quiet and tranquil place.

Disturbing scenes include people taking off their shoes and socks and putting their feet on the coffee tables; parents and maids chatting, leaving their charges unattended and these children are then at liberty to treat the library like a playground. The author thinks it has something to do with people forgetting that they are in a public place, leading them to relax a little too much. In my opinion, I deem it as a worsening behaviour of Singaporeans, a selfish and thoughtless behaviour that is flourishing in many people nowadays. Many a time, we only think about ourselves and what we want, without considering much if our acts will beget any repercussions on the people around us. And usually, those around do get affected in one way or another.

Perhaps it is time for us Singaporeans to contemplate on our conduct, especially in public places where the property that we employ do not belong to us alone. In addition to the campaign for better behaviour kicked off by the National Library Board, the root of this problem can only be solved if Singaporeans fix ourselves first. Some may think this is not an acute problem, but I believe otherwise. This is not just an image issue, but a protrayal of Singaporean conduct and values. If we ourselves cannot act in a fitting manner, how can we expect others to do the same?

Singapore has always been seen as a "fine" and green garden city, with her people well known for being "kiasu". When will it be our turn to be known for being selfless, thoughtful and solicitous? At the end of the day, it all hinges on how we want to be, as behaviour is something we can change, for the better.


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