Saturday, April 15, 2006

Polar ice sheets melting at alarming pace....

"Sea levels could rise 6 metres by the end of this century", scientists warned.

How many of us have actually taken this warning seriously? Despite many reports and studies published on the acute extent of global warming now, many people still close their eyes to the necessity of environmental conservation. There is just so much one can stress that we will be digging our own graves if more is not done to save our Mother Earth.

Based on current warming trends, average temperatures could jump at least 2.5 degree Celsius by the end of the century, resembling the last great global warming surge 129 000 years ago when sea temperatures rose by that much.

Although the work of the scientists is polar, the implications are global. Ice sheets in the Greenland and the Arctic have melted before and sea levels rose. Now, the warmth needed is not that much above present conditions to get these ice sheets melting. Furthermore, the warming danger in Antarctic is not just the overall melting of the ice cover, as would happen in Greenland. Instead, scientists expect The Antarctic ice sheets to fracture, plunging more icebergs into the sea and raising the sea level even more that way. It would exactly be like throwing a bunch of ice cubes into a full glass of water and watching the water spill over the top.

While examining the grounds for global warming, scientists believe that it is mainly caused by greenhouse gas pollution. So as to say, the emission of greenhouse gas, and thus the aggravation of global warming, can be controlled by Man, by us. If every single one of us put in a little to reduce the production of greenhouse gases, like taking public transport more often and using vehicles powered by natural gas, we can avert the effects of global warming in concert.


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