Sunday, April 30, 2006

Blog Comment - "Science and Technology: Good or Bad?"

An indubitably professional piece of writing as of the introduction! I see eye to eye with your view that the differentiation of a matter, particularly the effects of science and technology, into good or bad is an oversimplification. The innumerable consequences that S & T made happen cannot be clearly delineated and categorized into these two categories as many still remain open to question. However, for opinion sake, I do concur that S & T has done more good than bad, in the sense that without it, our lives will be no different from that a millennium ago.

The structure of your argument is clearly demarcated into the various impacts of S & T, namely on the medical field, economy and the general standard of living. With those concrete examples and facts, the argument is strong to your stand. For each impact, there is apparent balancing of the idea with the explanation of both sides of the story. However, I deem it more appropriate to rebut on the point contrary to your stance. For example, the mentioning of euthanasia and plainly deciding that it is a bad science may seem to contradict your stand. Perhaps there can be further elaboration on the more recognized and accepted part of euthanasia, begetting some good as well despite the fact that it takes away lives. A similar effort can be made to the subsequent balancing paragraphs to bring your standpoint lucid to the surface.

The conclusion was of impact, in the image of the well thought-out introduction, which adequately summarises the whole argument, weaving it to a beautiful close.

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